Monthly Archives: June 2011

Sofa Ratings

We’ve spent a fair bit of time at furniture stores in the last few months … okay, we’ve done it twice, but it feeeeeeels like it’s happened over and over again, like being trapped in a nasty temporal loop … and anyway, everything’s got a sticker with a rating on it.

Softness rating. Bounce-back-ability of foam rating. Stain-resistant rating. Chance of
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Charlie McDonnell, Video-Blogger, musician, and nerd

Hilarious, clever and a bit cool, is Charlie.

Also, he speaks to our dark lord and master, Neil, which is an interesting look at Doctor Who generational shifts.

Oh, and this has to be added, coz, bagders.

Ikea + Whirlpool = a gigantic blackhole of customer service

When we bought the Whirlpool fridge on Saturday from Ikea, it seemed too good to be true. A 3.5 star energy rated fridge for $499.00.

The sticker on the fridge did indeed say 3.5 stars.

The one that was just delivered has 1.5 stars.

So, I rang Ikea and spoke to Sri, who insisted “Yes, it’s a 3.5 star” and then told me
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Jason Fischer has exposed my fantasy house for all to see …

Damn him.

Drive-by from Kali Yuga: Paul Haines

Paul Haines is a survivor of the first Clarion South; this accords him legendary status, a free tankard of mead from every inn he walks into, and the right to an annual tribute of a fine piglet. He is the author
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