My colleagues are today working in their PJs in the office, raising funds for Lifeline’s Stress Down Day. And eating homemade scones, muffins, cheese platter, Iced Vovos, and Teddy Bear biscuits with pink icing and sprinkles. I, on the other hand, am at home on my weekly writing day, but in the spirit of being supportive, I am in my PJs*, too. And I promised the Duchess of Darkness, Kirstyn McDermott, there would be photos as a result of donations.
And so, I present to you: The Writer in Sponge Bob Pink Pants PJs with bogan-babe-booties, no make-up and wearing the ‘borrowed’ Gown of Velour (‘velour’ must be said in a Zapp Brannigan voice for full effect). But the hair has been brushed, so there’s a minor triumph.
I challenge all writers to join in and show the World their PJ-status. But keep it nice. The awesome Kyle Cassidy could get a book out of it.
* This seems more important than it is only if you really believe I don’t spend all my Fridays sitting around in my PJs.
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