Beautiful Carrots

Lisa Hannett talks about the writer as artist over at the Battersblog.

In February 1880, William Morris delivered a lecture before the Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design, which was later published in a book called Hopes and Fears for Art. It was during this public lecture, Morris’s first, that the philosophy driving the Arts & Crafts movement was famously summarised. “If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody,” Morris declared, “this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

Replace ‘houses’ with ‘writing’ and now read that sentence aloud.

What you’ve just heard is the mantra that whispers through my mind every time I start writing a story — and which bludgeons me when I go to read one.

The rest is here.

Indeed, Mr B has run a series of interesting post on this very topic – grab a cuppa and have a read.

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