The lovely and talented Lezli Robyn is raising funds to help her fiance Jamie to pay his really rather huge medical bills for his chemotherapy treatments. Russell B Farr of Ticonderoga Publications is pitching in by auctioning off some special copies of Lisa L Hannett’s forthcoming debut collection, Bluegrass Symphony.
Here’s Lezli’s tale:
My gorgeous fiancé, Jamie Driscoll, pictured with one of his lovely nurses during one of his chemotherapy sessions, is currently fighting stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma, and I’m so proud of him for still managing to maintain a full time job through his entire brutal chemotherapy regime. Unfortunately, his medical bills have been piling up above his means, and his last two emergency hospital stays added another $34,000 to his total debt. His lovely sister, Lynda Roberts, and family have organized a massive Barn Sale in Ohio – starting the very minute I post this – as a fundraiser to help raise money to help pay Jamie’s medical bills.
So many generous people have not only donated new items, antiques and second-hand goods, but businesses in Bellefontaine and surrounding towns have also donated some big ticket items to be auctioned off on the day. There will even be a bake sale to help raise more money!
I wish I was there today to help Jamie’s family at this huge sale, as I’m sure it will be an amazing day showing how a community gets together to help a local in need, but I’m on the other side of the world….
So, I am going to organize a fundraiser of my own!!! I met my fiancé on facebook, so it seems fitting that I try to raise money for him on here too. I have so many wonderful friends on facebook, and if any of you are willing to open your hearts and pockets to help such a remarkable man as Jamie, my soulmate, I thank you from the depths of my heart. If you donate to my paypal account,, I can keep posting a running tally of the amount we’ll be raising together as a facebook community. And you can let me know via facebook email, or in the comments of the paypal payment, if you don’t want your name to be added to the thank you list I will publish at the end of the fundraising.
Thank you so very much in advance for any donations you can make! And even if you can’t send any money, I would love any best wishes you can send our way in the comments section below. Every positive thought is valued so highly during this cancer fight.
Please feel free to share this photo on your wall to help spread the word! And again, thank you!
Help things along and boost the signal, folks, it’s good for your karma.
The deets (nurched from Lisa L Hannett):
To help Lezli with this cause, Ticonderoga Publications is auctioning off the following:
1 copy of BLUEGRASS SYMPHONY, advanced reading copy, signed by Lisa L Hannett
1 copy of BLUEGRASS SYMPHONY, trade edition, personalised and signed by Lisa L Hannett
1 copy of BLUEGRASS SYMPHONY, limited hardcover edition, signed by Lisa L Hannett and Ann Vandermeer
We have 1 advanced reading copy of Lisa L Hannett’s forthcoming collection, BLUEGRASS SYMPHONY, signed by Ms Hannett. At this present time, there are no more than 4 signed copies of this ARC in the world.
The successful bidder will receive this, posted anywhere in the world. The successful bidder will also receive 1 copy of the trade edition (personalised signature by Ms Hannett) and 1 copy of the limited hardcover edition (also signed by introduction writer Ann Vandermeer), when these are available (July).
The winning bidder will receive something that is truly unique.
TO BID: Click here to go to Russell’s Livejournal page. Put your bid in the comments to the post he’s made about the auction. If you wish to bid privately please email your bid to and then keep an eye on his Livejournal page for updates. The highest bid he receives in the comments will be the winning bid.
AUCTION closes 10pm Thursday 19 May (2pm UTC)
2 Responses to Good People, Good Cause, Awesome Book