… the lovely Jeremy L C Jones talks to the equally lovely Lisa L Hannett …
In Bluegrass Symphony, Lisa L. Hannett writes of a place that is, perhaps, somewhere (or nowhere) in the rural United States—a place that is inspired, in equal parts, by the American South and Medieval Icelandic literature.
“Lisa Hannett weaves words the way the Norns weave fates, elegantly, seamlessly and with just a little bit of cruelty,” said Angela Slatter, author of Sourdough and Other Stories. “Her stories are astonishing in their scope, so strange and yet familiar. Her ability to insert the unlikely and the terrifying into the everyday with such a convincing touch that you have no problem believing in Swan Girls, Minotaur rodeos, soul cigars and twig-wives, is simply stunning.”
Raised in Ottawa, Canada, Hannett now lives in Adelaide, South Australia, a coastal city much like Charleston, SC on a very weird day. Her fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, Weird Tales, ChiZine, Midnight Echo, Shimmer, Electric Velocipede, Tesseracts 14, and Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded, among other places. She is a graduate of Clarion South.
There is a relentless musicality to Hannett’s prose and fierceness to her vision. Beware of her beautiful song.
“L.L. Hannett’s work has the uncanny ability to get under your skin,” said Ann VanderMeer. “Her stories are so comfortable and familiar until they turn on you in the best possible way. Never a boring minute, her fiction is fiercely original and imaginative.”
Below, Hannett and I talk about style, the short form, and “the human side of even the nastiest creatures.”
Ze rest, t’is here.
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