Tag Archives: aussiecon 4

Vote! Vote for Lisa L Hannett!

For the Campbell. Lisa’s in her second year of eligibility for the John W Campbell Award for best new writer. She needs your vote. This is her self-effacing post. Ignore the humble-osity: she is awesome. She
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2010: The Year in Review, or 2011: The Year Ahead

It’s a Saturday morning and I’m sitting on the couch, surveying the remains of yesterday’s shred-fest (I cleaned out the spare room, which used to be my study) and waiting for the coffee to kick in. It
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Some more WorldCon photos

Courtesy of El Diablo Flinthart http://flinthart.livejournal.com/123150.html.

All the pretty shinies

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Pre-Hugos Party

Cat Sparks’ (or Sparks’s – there’s been argument on FB) fabulous collection of photos from AussieCon4 live here.

This is my fave – at the pre-Hugos drinks with my friends Aimée Lindorff and Lisa Hannett.

The Cursebreaking Drive-by: Kyla Ward

Kyla Ward has been short-listed for Ditmars and Aurealis Awards for the stories ‘Kijin Tea’ and ‘The Bat’s Boudoir’. Her short stories have been published in venues which include Shadowed Realms, Agog!, Borderlands, Scary Kisses and Passing Strange – and her poetry has appeared in Bloodsongs and Abbadon. She is
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Why, yes, I am having a little freak-out

It’s the day before I fly to Melbourne for WorldCon. Between me and the plane are several hours of work-related work, packing, writing-related work, reading practise, and general trying-not-to-forget-anythingness. So, this is me:

WorldCon Schedule


The program is now up at AussieCon 4!

Make plans, take notes, plot strategically – learn where the bar is on the first day and stake a claim on your favourite chair.

My con obligations are below:

Fri 1100 Rm 203: (Book Launch)
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Is It Too Much …

… for me to want Haigh’s choclit to sponsor Kaaron Warren’s (http://kaaronwarren.wordpress.com/) and my book launch at WorldCon? In Melbourne? In September?

Or, y’know, just be bubbling through the choclit fountain?


Good Lord, Where Have I Been?

Struggling, I think.

The deadline to get Brain’s and my pieces in for Steampunk Reloaded was so tight … how tight? It was like trying to shoehorn an elephant into a narrow-fitting stiletto.

Sooo, when we finished and sent it off, the sense of enormous satisfaction lasted about a day … then the sense of “shouldn’t I be writing something really fast
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