Tag Archives: Flight
Flight at last!
At last! Flight is a real book and in my grabby hands. Big thanks to Kathleen Jennings for her beautiful artwork and to PS Publishing for this glorious end product!
It can be ordered here.
And so, Flight will be a real thing at last! All of the thank yous to PS Publishing for making this possible. My words and the arting of the inimitable Kathleen Jennings.
You can pre-order here – either the limited
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Corvidae review
Jorie Loves a Story reviews Corvidae from World Weaver Press, with some love for “Flight” – here!
Last “Flight” postcards
The last of the lovely Flight postcards have arrived, so we’ll be packing them to take to WFC and leave in strategic locations around the con hotel – collect the whole set! Thanks to Sue at Tiny Owl Workshop for organising this and to Kathleen for putting such gorgeous art with my words.
Flight collateral
Kathleen and I will be taking some of these Flight coasters and postcards with us to WFC! Thanks to Sue of Tiny Owl Workshop.
Flight – The Pointy End
And now we’re at the pointy end of the publishing process. The designers are making final tweaks to the layout, we’re gathering cover quotes, finalising cover design, and just waiting for the moment when the printer gets his
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Flight is done …
… or at least the arting side. Kathleen is now bug-eyed, twitchy, over-caffeinated and, I fear, holding more conversations than usual with inanimate objects … but she’s finished doing all the art for Flight. Now it’s off to the Most Excellent Liz and Drew at Punch Bowl Designs. Huge thanks to lovely Sue of Tiny Owl Workshop for keeping a
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Fur and Feathers
Another little taster from Flight.
Flight – why is Kathleen Jennings so awesome?
Because the scarf the Giantess knits is a Doctor Who scarf. That is all.