Tag Archives: hans christian andersen

Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Alison Littlewood’s The Dog’s Home


Alison Littlewood is the author of the thoroughly unsettling A Cold Season, The Path of Needles, and The Unquiet House – it’s therefore entirely appropriate for her to be in The Spectral Book of Horror Stories! She’s been kind enough
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Angela Slatter: By the Weeping Gate

FT1And today I, errr, interview myself about my Fearie Tales story, “By the Weeping Gate”.


This house here in Breakwater, this one, by the Weeping Gate where men and women come to wait and weep for those lost to the
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New Wine in Old Bottles: A Meditation on Writing

Arthur Rackman's Little Match Girl

(This is an extract from my MA thesis from 2006, and is a meditation on my own writing of Black-Winged Angels and Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Donoghue’s Kissing the
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