Tag Archives: L.L. Hannett
A Brief Review: Music for Another World
Music for Another World
Edited by Mark Harding, published by Mutation Press 2010
I love an anthology. I really love an anthology that I can read in a day without getting bored or being overcome by the desire to throw the book across the room. Music for Another World ticks those boxes :-).
The theme is, funnily enough, the intersection of music and
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New feature: a Bestiary
Okay, so my plan is to gradually post entries on the Bestiary page for all the writers who’ve been kind enough/foolish enough to do drive-bys with me. This will be done as wit and time allow. Here’s one I prepared earlier …
Review of Sprawl
… over at Guy Salvidge’s place. Sprawl is the latest anthology from TPP and has some awesome stuff from the likes of Peter M. Ball, L.L. Hannett, Sean Williams, et al.
He says nice things about Brisneyland by Night:
“Brisneyland by Night” by Angela Slatter is an intriguing and complex tale about the Weyrd, and more specifically a kinderfresser or child eater.
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