Tag Archives: robert hoge

Owning Your Face

UglyThis is probably one of the most important things you’ll ever watch.

For more of Rob’s story, read Ugly.


9780733630163-671x1024Last night my friend Robert Hoge launched his memoir, Ugly.

I read part of this book a few years back at a writers’ retreat and I was struck then – as I am again now – by how this book, which
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Swancon – Part Deux (or Stop Nagging Me, McDermott)

Part Two

On Friday morning we finally made it to the con proper (as opposed to simply being located in the same city and a bit around the block from it), we schlepped to the Hyatt and registered. There’s always a lovely sensation when you walk into a con hotel and see faces you don’t usually see except for a few
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Ebooky Goodness: After the Rain special edition

The lovely Tehani at FableCroft is issuing a special ebook edition of the After the Rain Anthology as a fundraiser for the Qld Floods Appeal. There are the original planned stories in the ToC and this volume is
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A brief post, which will be filled out tomorrow.

Rob Hoge and I took to the lake in a canoe. Nobody died, no canoe was injured, no one fell in.

The conversation did go something like this, though:

Angela: Hey, rocks.

Rob: Rocks?

Both: Argh! Rocks! Left! Left! No, your other left!!!

Angela: Hey, pelicans.

Rob: I wonder if they’ll attack us.

Angela: Probably zombie pelicans.

Rob: Bound to happen.

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