Tag Archives: Saki

Cate Gardner and The Bureau of Them

categCate Gardner is a British horror and fantastical author with over a hundred short stories published. Several of those stories appear in her collection Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits (Strange Publications 2010). She is also the author of  five
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Over in the Shock Room



Today, the lovely S.P. Miskowski hosts me over at the Shock Room, where I ramble about ten short horror stories that have always stuck with me.

I’ve written a lot about the fairy tales I loved
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Lisa Tuttle’s Something Sinister in Sunlight

Lisa TuttleOf Lisa Tuttle’s work, Dave Langford has said “Tuttle writes well and knows just how to push the gooseflesh button. I’d say more but it’s difficult to type while trembling under the bedclothes.” Speaks for itself, really.
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Weird Fiction Review Editorial

My first piece for the Weird Fiction Review has gone live and weird.

Editorial: As the Weird Turns by Angela Slatter

When I was a kid (yes,Virginia, dinosaurs walked the earth then), I read Saki’s “Sredni Vashtar” and have regarded garden sheds with
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Meanwhile, over at SF Signal: The Dream Anthology

The delightful John DeNardo at SF Signal asked a few people to pick and choose for their dream anthology, citing what you’d choose and why. The answers were so big, they had to split the post in two.

Mine is here, as is that of Nancy Kress (hallowed be her
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What Scares the Scary People?

For me it’s Dracula – Bram Stoker’s original book, unabridged.

Some people far more talented and scary than I confess their fears here at The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/27/AR2009102703745.html

Anne Rice: I would say M.R. James’s story “Count Magnus.” That evil could be so easily roused and so relentless in its pursuit of the innocent who stumbled on to it, that
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