Tag Archives: stephen king

Vigil in the Wild

CnNXXbjUMAAvxnb.jpg largeThank you, Nicky Strickland for sending me this. This is the culmination of twelve years of effort. Admittedly, I/Vigil feel like Alex the Lion from Madagascar tying to fit in with the locals on the
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Bad Blood: Gary Kemble

kemble 25Gary Kemble’s award-winning short fiction has been published in Australia and overseas. His debut novel Skin Deep was published in 2015 by Echo Publishing. The follow-up, Bad Blood, is out now. When he’s not writing or
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Alex Caine Lives Again: Alan Baxter

alan-by-nicole-web-cropYes! The Alex Caine series is so good and kickass that it got a second release! Bound, Obsidian, and Abduction are all now in paperback format as well as ebookery.

Alan Baxter is a British-Australian author who writes dark
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Envy of Angels: Matt Wallace

mattWritemeister, Mr Matt Wallace, is the envy of everyone with his Sin du Jour series for Tor.com. All you really need to know is that his writing is freaking hilarious, he’s also a screenwriter, and he once taught Tai Chi to
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A Daughter of No Nation: Alyx Dellamonica

Photo by Kelly Robson, who is also excellent

Photo by Kelly Robson, who is also excellent

I love Canadians. I would collect more of them but I always run into problems with Customs. One of my new Canadian faves is
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Welcome to Orphancorp: Marlee Jane Ward

marleejaneward-hsMarlee Jane Ward is a self-described writer, reader and weirdo from Melbourne, Australia. She’s a graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop and her debut novella, Welcome To Orphancorp, was one of three winners of Seizure’s Viva La Novella
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Horrorology Interviews: Jo Fletcher

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Today’s final Horrorology post is from the lovely Jo Fletcher, our redoubtable publisher.

This is the third horror anthology you’ve published with Steve as editor – what
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Horrorology Interviews: Lisa Tuttle

Lisa Tuttle

American-born, UK-based Lisa Tuttle is a writer of science fiction, fantasy, and horror as well as an editor and reviewer. She was the 1974 winner of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, won the
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Horrorology Interviews: Kim Newman

kim newman

Kim Newman is one of my favourite writers; I do like to think of him as the Dandy Highway Man of Horror. He is, among other things, a superb writer, a perceptive critic, and an inveterate wearer of cravats.

What was the inspiration for your Horrorology tale “Guignol”?

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Horrorology Interviews: Michael Marshall Smith

Writing horror under the name of Michael Marshall Smith and thrillers as Michael Marshall, MMS has produced a slew of best sellers, including The Straw Men and The Lonely Dead. He’s won awards for co-writing and performing two series of BBC Radio 4’s cult show And Now, In Colour, is a five-time winner of the British Fantasy Award, and
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