Tag Archives: the city and the city

The Book Smugglers: Inspirations & Influences for Vigil

blogtourStop 4 on the Vigil blog tour is over at the Book Smugglers’ place, where I drop in, eat all their cupcakes, drink all their coffee, and talk about the inspirations & influences behind Vigil.

Then I leave without helping do the
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China Miéville in Da Lair

Greetings and welcome, one and all, to the inaugural Lair of the Evil Drs Brain, where we “invite” (i.e. conduct virtual kidnappings of) other writers and artists for a chat (which occurs right after they stop demanding to be
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Have I Mentioned?

The Writer and the Critic podcasts?

Kirstyn McDermott and Ian Mond talk books.

In a smart fashion.

This week it’s The City and the City and The Windup Girl.



A Drive-by from Perdido Street Station: China Miéville

China Miéville continues to distinguish himself by writing stuff that is good …very good … come to think of it, that’s probably why he also continues to win awards. His short story collection, Looking for Jake, will blow your socks
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