Monthly Archives: March 2009
On Writing Processes, Old Dogs and New Tricks, Changing Horses Mid-stream and Mixed Metaphors
The blinding moment of clarity I had this week came as a result of some VanderMeerish sagacity.
You see, post-Clarion I’ve been trying to become one of those writers who write something every day. Every damned day. That’s in addition to doing the things that are attached to the business of being writerly: checking submissions, accepting rejections, dancing in an undignified
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Ah, Gaimany Goodness
The Graveyard Book now, with 67% more Colbert …
I don’t know who I want to be more when I grow up: Neil or Stephen.
Information of the Useful Kind (and Tiny Plaid Ninjas!)
The inestimable Meg Vann at AWM Online prrovides some excellent linkery goodness, stirs it in a pot and produces: GOLD! Useful info (and Tiny Plaid Ninjas score a jersey too). Go here to share the wisdom.
"Words" by Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton, “Words”
Be careful of words,
even the miraculous ones.
For the miraculous ones we do our best,
sometimes they swarm like insects
and leave not a sting but a kiss.
They can be good as fingers.
They can be trusty as the rock
you stick your bottom on.
But they can be both daisies and bruises.
Yet I am in love with words.
They are doves falling out of
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In the Spirit of New Ceres Nights …
In the spirit of New Ceres Nights
Wisdom from Cory Doctorow
Lives at Locus Online.
Reason #412 to love Jack Dann
Not only is the man a great writer and a rocking editor, he is a generous professional. He says wise things here and he says nice things here: