Monthly Archives: April 2009

Queen Saves the Day

Thanks to Peter Ball for reminding me of the awesomeness of Queen and the Flash Gordon soundtrack:

I fear cheerier already … now where is my golden tiara thingy?

Coming Attractions from Twelfth Planet Press: Horn by Peter M Ball

Coming in June 2009 Horn by Peter M Ball

There’s a dead girl in a dumpster and a unicorn on the loose – and no-one knows how bad that combination can get better than Miriam Aster. What starts as a consulting job for city homicide quickly becomes a tangled knot of unexpected questions, and working out the link between the dead
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Your Writing is Not You – or How to Interpret/Deal with Writerly Rejections

I received two email rejections yesterday from pretty high-profile spec-fic magazines and no one can quite understand why I’m not depressed. Okay, there were all those choclit patches, but the main reason was that the rejections fell into the category of ‘good’ rejections. There was no need for devastation, weeping, wailing, howling and throwing myself onto the eighteenth-century
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On Visiting the Vampires

Blood test day again this morning (keeping track of the weight loss stuff), so off I toddle to the Vampire’s Nest to enable them to remove a couple of vials of my ichor.

I arrive and there are five other people in the waiting room – not so bad – and like all kinds of waiting rooms you get the whole
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Because there should always be more evil queens …

The talented and funny Mary Robinette Kowal has this to say about Evil Queens in Fantasy (a much maligned breed!)

Friday = Writingday (TM)

Some people call it ‘procrastination’ … I like to think of it as ‘contemplation’ .

So, as I sit here in my pyjamas (the ones with the feet in them), eating my yoghurt and kiwi fruit, slurping down the vanilla coffee, I am staring out the window of the study here at the ramshackle cottage. I am staring straight at the
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On Reviewing


“Professional reviewers read so many bad books in the course of duty that they get an unhealthy craving for arresting phrases.”

(Evelyn Waugh)


“Reviewers, with some rare exceptions, are a most stupid and malignant race.”

(Percy Bysshe Shelley)


I took up reviewing
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Nerd Candy!

Where nerds hope they go when they die … or even before they die …