Monthly Archives: November 2011
The Weird is live!
And it is here.
Beautiful Carrots
Lisa Hannett talks about the writer as artist over at the Battersblog.
In February 1880, William Morris delivered a lecture before the Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design, which was later published in a book called Hopes
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The signed copy of Sourdough
… has been won by the delightful Murray Ewing of West Sussex.
I shall attach it to a very large pigeon and send it on its way next week!
Joining the Twitterverse
In a decision I may live to regret, I have joined the League of World-wide Twits.
Peter M. Ball predicts it will set off some kind of Doom Apocalypse – or at least a chorus from Mental as Anything’s Apocalypso – I cannot say with certaintly that he is wrong.
Follow me, if ye dare: @AngelaSlatter
Ps: the other half of the Brain
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Popty ping, your Fry is ready
Thanks to you, Mr Fry, I now know about the ‘popty ping’.
Last night’s QI was wonderful.
I think we got the pick of the Australian comedians on the panel last night – Wil Anderson (I think you’re quite hot,
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Veni, Vidi, Flensi
Or Angeline Latin for I came, I saw, I flensed.
Alan Baxter tells the story of having a story flensed by at the Brains’ Flensing Boot Camp run by Lisa Hannett and Angela Slatter.
Brace yourselves.
flense verb, flensed,
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T’is the season to be meh …
Yes, it’s that time of the year when EoYM strikes.
That’s End of Year Malaise, a term coined many years ago by my old pal and sparring partner, Charlie Sutton. It describes the period from the beginning
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The So Silver, So Bright Drive-by: Lisa Mantchev
Lisa Mantchev is the creator of the glorious Théâtre Illuminata and the unfortgettable Beatrice Shakespeare Smith. She is mum to the Sugar Bean and Tiny Doom, the possessor of an awesome collection of corsets, a hearter of both
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