Clan Destine Press is bringing out a new anthology And Then, and you can read interviews with the authors here over the next few weeks. There is also an Indiegogo campaign, to which y’all can contribute here.
First cab off the rank is Alan Baxter.
What inspired “Golden Fortune, Dragon Jade“?
A few converging things. Firstly, Lindy asking me for a buddy adventure story, which is a bit outside my normal style. That made me realise that an idea for a Chinese-inspired fantasy story I’d had in mind for ages, with Shaolin martial arts and spirit magic, would fit the brief. And that meant I could finally write the story with a protagonist loosely based on my kung fu master of the last couple of decades. I even used his first name in homage. For his buddy, I chose his cousin, and she turned out to be a powerful geomancer, trapped in a small village. And because Lindy wanted an Australian connection, that set the historical period I used, as the end of the Aussie gold rush was the perfect setting. It all catalysed into what I hope is an exciting novelette.
What appealed to you about this project?
The big nature of it, and the scope it will ultimately represent. Plus sharing the pages with so many great writers.
What advantages does a long-short form offer?
It gives that extra breathing space over a short story where character and worldbuilding can be more detailed and the plot a little more complex, while retaining the appeal of the short story.
The future of short fiction is …
Exciting and vibrant. Especially with so many small press publishers embracing the form and pushing the boundaries with a wide variety of themed anthologies.
What’s next for you?
I’ve always got a bunch of stuff on the go, currently including a couple of novels, a novella and several short stories out on submission. So I guess what’s next will be whatever sells first! And my dark urban fantasy trilogy, The Alex Caine Series, will see all three books in print in Australia by July and a US release sometime soon too. Exciting times!
Alan Baxter is a British-Australian author who writes dark fantasy, horror and sci-fi, rides a motorcycle and loves his dog. He also teaches Kung Fu. He lives among dairy paddocks on the beautiful south coast of NSW, Australia, with his wife, son, dog and cat. He’s the award-winning author of six novels and over sixty short stories and novellas. So far. Read extracts from his novels, a novella and short stories at his website – – or find him on Twitter @AlanBaxter and Facebook, and feel free to tell him what you think. About anything.