And today in the Super-Sekrit Clubhouse

Marshall Payne interviews John Kessel – awesome sauce.

John Kessel has been publishing short fiction since 1978 and since then has gone on to make his mark in the field of SF/F. He won a Nebula Award in 1982 for his novella “Another Orphan,” and more recently (2009) for his novelette “Pride and Prometheus,” a story melding the tales of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. With friend and writer James Patrick Kelly he has edited three anthologies, included the just released The Secret History of Science Fiction. Since 1982 he has taught American literature, science fiction, fantasy and fiction writing at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. I’m a pleased to offer this interview with one of the finest writers in the field of spec. fiction today.

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