Category Archives: On Writing: The Novel

In the strange space …

… where I write very little short fiction.

I was thinking this morning that I’ve been in the space for a couple of years now. The kind of short fiction output I had a couple of year ago
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Reminder to Self

As I sit here, sludging my way through a new story and hating the words that are being extruded, I have to keep reminding myself of first principles.

The main one is that first drafts are
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Pack your black: Darkness Downunder Horror and Dark Fantasy Writing Panel

And so on 11 August I get to appear on a panel with two of my fave writers and dearest friends at Logan North Library as part of the Logan Sci-Fi and Fantasy Month. Huzzah! Details below:

Where: Logan
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The Lair’s Just So, So Special: Robert Shearman

Par Kathleen Jennings

We love writer, director and playwright Robert Shearman – we don’t even have to kidnap him. He travels quite willing to the country of interview and stays for tea and
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Oops, Your Psychosis is Showing: in the Lair with Kirstyn McDermott

Kirstyn McDermott is the author of the critically acclaimed Madigan Mine and the upcoming Perfections. Her works plumbs the depths of the human (and inhuman) psyche, examining heart and soul with the intensity of
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Tuesday Therapy: Courage

Over at the Hannettorium, the lovely Julie Czernada talks about courageous writing.

Go here.

So You Want to Write for A Franchise, Or Thanks for My New Kitchen, Mr Lucas: in the Lair with Karen Miller and Sean Williams

As readers of this column know, we regularly and without thought of consequences, kidnap our guests by means of a malfunctioning vortex manipulator. The problem with doing this to people who write
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Sublime juxtaposition and gravitas: in the Lair with Jason Nahrung

Today we kidnapped the delightful Mr Jason Nahrung (yes, the man who competes with Sean Williams and Trent Jamieson for the title “Nicest Man in Australian Spec-Fic”). Jason is the author of the novel
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Tuesday at the Hannettorium

The delightful Kaaron Warren gets zen over at Lisa’s Tuesday Therapy.

Go here.

China Miéville in Da Lair

Greetings and welcome, one and all, to the inaugural Lair of the Evil Drs Brain, where we “invite” (i.e. conduct virtual kidnappings of) other writers and artists for a chat (which occurs right after they stop demanding to
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