And now we’re at the pointy end of the publishing process. The designers are making final tweaks to the layout, we’re gathering cover quotes, finalising cover design, and just waiting for the moment when the printer gets his hands on the files.
The gorgeous Kate Forsyth, she of Bitter Greens, The Wild Girl, and The Beast’s Garden fame, has provided us with this gorgeous cover quote, which is enough to make you feel you can die quite, quite happy:
FLIGHT is a miracle of beauty, created by two creative artists at the peak of their powers. Angela Slatter’s enchanting story of a princess who is turned into a raven is perfectly complemented by Kathleen Jennings’s exquisite illustrations. The story has all the timeless appeal of a classic fairy tale, with fresh and surprising twists that make it entirely modern. A must-have addition to any collection of beautiful fairy tales!
And this one of my favourite illustrations (who am I kidding, I love them ALL!):
“You should know,” continued the Black Bride, her touch stilled, “that she raised an army to find you. Your father failed and wept, wasted away—trust me, my girl, I have my spies. But she, oh she mobilized their vassals, rode at their head, slept in the saddle, scoured all the lands that could be covered by foot and sea. I’ll warrant she’d have given her very soul to take to the skies if it meant she might find you that way.”