A little too quiet.
But that’s largely because, after a 5 week trip overseas, I’ve been running around trying to catch up on all the neglected things … one of those being my new collection, co-authored with the other half of the Brain, Lisa Hannett. Midnight and Moonshine is taking shape – we’re massaging the last couple of stories into shape and we only have one more to write, the FINAL one.
At the end of June, a copy will go to ze awesome Dr Kim and she will very kindly write an introduction; the fabulous Kathleen Jennings is doing the cover for it (very excited about that, much snoopy dancing); then by the end of July, lovely publisher Russ will get a finished manuscript.
And there’s been teaching, Continuum 8, the 24Hr Book Project – more on that later – and general life and catching up with family.
But to sum up: a new book, to be published in November.
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