Professionals have a range of bios of varying lengths and depths that can be tweaked at a moment’s notice when an editor asks you for it.
Amateurs shudder, throw themselves on fainting couches and howl ‘Whatever shall I say about myself in the third person!?’
So, noobs, here is your task for the day: write three bios for yourself. One is 25 words long, the next 50 words long, the last is 100 words long – these are pretty much the standard lengths you’ll be asked for by editors. Keep them updated as you achieve new things.
Don’t give your life’s history (unless you were once a unicorn or Batman), just your writing highlights, where you might be found on the interwebs, and if you’re a graduate of any special writing retreaty, workshopy thingy.
You don’t need 6 weeks to write a bio. You don’t need to carry on about it. Look at other writers’ bios in anthologies or online and model from those.
Just saying.