Announcement from Ticonderoga Publications, which must surely be met with “Huzzah!” Oh and also “Cooooool title!”
Sara Douglass Collection Announced
Ticonderoga Publications is far more than totally chuffed to announce a forthcoming collection of stories by premiere Australian Fantasy writer Sara Douglass.
The substantial collection, scheduled for publication next year, is tentatively titled The Hall of Lost Footsteps.
Sara Douglass is the bestselling, award-winning writer of the Crucible, Troy Game, Darkglass Mountain and Wayfarer Redemption series.
Her short fiction has appeared in Eidolon, Dreaming Again and the World Fantasy Award winning Dreaming Down Under.
“Sara Douglass has written a number of wonderful powerful stories in addition to her novels,” Ticonderoga Editor Russell B. Farr said.
“It will be great to be able to get all of these gems, 15 years’ worth, in one volume,” he said.
The Hall of Lost Footsteps will also feature a number of Wayfarer Redemption related tales, appearing in print for the first time.
“We’re expecting to include a story or two that will be totally original to the collection,” Russell added.
The Hall of Lost Footsteps is scheduled for publication in 2011, in limited edition hardcover and trade editions.
More information will be available in coming months at