Tag Archives: Australis Imaginarium
Hannett + Horror = Teh Awesomes
Lisa L. Hannett has joined the team over at This is Horror for 2013, so we can look forward to a brilliantly written, well thought-out monthly column that prods and pokes the monsters under the
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FableCroft! Books! Sale! Christmas Presents!
2010: The Year in Review, or 2011: The Year Ahead
It’s a Saturday morning and I’m sitting on the couch, surveying the remains of yesterday’s shred-fest (I cleaned out the spare room, which used to be my study) and waiting for the coffee to kick in.
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The FableCroft Drive-by: Tehani Wessely
Tehani Wessely is the driving force behind new indie press, FableCroft. She has edited for Twelfth Planet Press and was a founding member of ASIM (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine). She’s been an Aurealis Awards judge,
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The Piratical Drive-by: Dirk Flinthart
Writer, raconteur, martial arts practitioner, cook extraordinaire, editor, librettist and frequent notorious teller of porkies, Dirk Flinthart (not his real name) is responsible for tomes such as Brotherly Love and Angel Rising. He has ably edited the Canterbury 2100 anthology and ASIM. His antics may or may
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Call for Recommendations: reprint anthology
From the lovely Tehani at FableCroft Publishing:
In the past two years, I’ve read a number of works that made me decide to put together a collection of very Australian flavoured stories. The collection is titled Australis Imaginarium, and will be produced by my new press, FableCroft Publishing, which will also be printing my original anthology for kids, Worlds Next Door.
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