Tag Archives: charlie parker

The Book Smugglers: Inspirations & Influences for Vigil

blogtourStop 4 on the Vigil blog tour is over at the Book Smugglers’ place, where I drop in, eat all their cupcakes, drink all their coffee, and talk about the inspirations & influences behind Vigil.

Then I leave without helping do the
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Random Unfinished Thought – On Whether Characters Need to be 'Liked'

Do my characters have to be ‘likeable’?

Having had a couple of short story rejections this week (which is a designated taking-time-off-work-and-writing-like-a-caffeinated-monkey week), this is something I’ve been pondering. One of the rejections said “We didn’t like the main character”. This started me thinking about the received wisdom of readers needing to like your characters. (Admittedly, it also caused me to make
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