Tag Archives: flannery o’connor

As Summer’s Mask Slips and Other Disruptions: Gordon B. White

1. What do readers need to know about Gordon B. White?

I’m not sure what readers need to know about me, but there are some things they might be interested to know.

I grew up in North
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S.P. Miskowski: The Worst is Yet to Come

S.P. Miskowski is a recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships. Her stories have been published in Supernatural Tales, Black Static, Identity Theory, Strange Aeons and Eyedolon Magazine as well as in the anthologies Read more…

The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn: Usman Tanveer Malik

Today I’m very pleased to host at the blog the astonishingly talented Usman Tanveer Malik.

Usman T. Malik is a Pakistani vagrant camped in Florida. He reads Sufi poetry, likes long walks, and occasionally strums naats on the guitar.

His fiction has won the
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The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria: Carlos Hernandez

Carlos-HernandezThe best way to introduce Carlos Hernandez is to steal (with love, grace, and credit) from Haralambi Markov’s review of his short story collection over at Tor.com.

The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria comes out of nowhere, blindsides you with its witty play on language, and steers
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S P Miskowski’s Knock Knock and the Skillute Cycle

spSP Miskowski is one of the finer voices in modern horror fiction. Her work is tense, beautifully paced, and deeply, deeply perceptive as to the human condition and all its foibles, faults and perfections. She was kind enough to answer a
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We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Just finished reading the latest of my Shirley Jackson collection, We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

OMG. Maybe even more brilliant that The Haunting of Hill House. Poison. Crazy folk. Villagers with torches and pitchforks. Oh my!

‘In this village the men
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