Tag Archives: kim wilkins
Aaaaand launched!
Pre-launch panic
And Restoration has been launched! Thanks to everyone who came along and listened to Dr Kim and I banter, and my parents heckling from the audience. Thanks to the wonderful staff at Brisbane Square Library
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Restoration: launch reminder and interviews
So, this is your last reminder to RSVP for the Restoration launch, which is happening tomorrow night at Brisbane Square Library. Me, Kim Wilkins, cupcakes, amusing profanities, books! So, 6pm arrival for a 6.30 start, details are Read more…
Book for the Restoration launch!
Okay, we’ll be launching Restoration, the last book in the Verity Fassbinder trilogy!
Kim Wilkins and I will talk, my parents will object to how much we swear, and then everyone will have cupcakes!
We’ll be at the
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When your very dear friend pops the most important question of all …
Dr Kim, you know the way to my heart!
Corpselight Launch: Ten Days Out!
So, we’re ten days out from the Corpselight launch! Please remember to ring and book, Brisneylanders! I know it’s cold outside at night, but you will be going to a place of warmth and cupcakes!
This is not a drill!
Corpselight will be
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Corpselight Launch Details
This is not a drill!
Corpselight will be launching on Friday 14 July at 6pm. There will be cupcakes and Kim Wilkins will be doing launching duties and we’ll do a retrospective on “From Vigil to Corpselight”
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Gorgeous review of Dreaming in the Dark
Over at SF Book Reviews Mario Guslandi has very kindly reviewed Dreaming in the Dark, the Jack Dann edited anthology from PS Australia.
Readers and reviewers of dark fiction have certainly noticed, during the last years, that the number of Australian
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Midnight and Moonshine
You know what? Four and a bit years ago, Lisa L. Hannett and I wrote this book, Midnight and Moonshine. We’re very proud of it.
Feeling a bit Norse mythology-y? Want white ravens, Fae, werewolves, moonshine makers, fire giants,
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Dreaming in the Dark is launched!
And so the Dreaming in the Dark anthology, the flagship publication of PS Australia, edited by the legendary Jack Dann has been launched.
Dymocks in the city have several signed copies, so if you couldn’t get along tonight you know where
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