Tag Archives: michael marshall smith
Horrorology Interviews: Michael Marshall Smith
Writing horror under the name of Michael Marshall Smith and thrillers as Michael Marshall, MMS has produced a slew of best sellers, including The Straw Men and The Lonely Dead. He’s won awards for co-writing and performing two series of BBC Radio 4’s cult show And Now, In Colour, is a five-time winner of the British Fantasy Award, and
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Dead Letters
And Conrad Williams has announced the ToC for his Dead Letters anthology. I’m in it – v. excited. Published by Titan Books in 2016.
The Green Letter – Steven Hall
Over to You – Michael Marshall Smith
In Memoriam – Joanne Harris
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Fearie Tales
And the embarrassment of riches continues! The postie just dropped off this parcel, containing the limited edition of Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome, courtesy of PS Publishing. Yes, I am drooling over.
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Uber-special Fearie Tales!
I’m so excited about this: PS Publishing have their very special limited edition of Fearie Tales available for pre-order. It looks absolutely gorgeous. Check it out at PS or Subterranean.
200 copies only, hard cover, sexy traycase, signed by
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Michael Marshall Smith: Look Inside
As well as being in the running for the Most Intriguing Opening Sentence Award, Michael Marshall Smith is one of the Fearie Tales authors. Today he chats about Little Red Riding Hood, the eternal verities of human nature, and
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Stephen Jones: Don’t Scare the Children
Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome is the forthcoming anthology from Jo Fletcher Books – edited by the inimitable Stephen Jones. The ToC includes the likes of Tanith Lee, Joanne Harris, Neil Gaiman, Michael Marshall Smith, Reggie
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