Tag Archives: quercus

Restoration reviews

Grabs from the first couple of Goodreads reviews of Restoration – thanks to Paromjit and Imogene respectively. <3

1. Angela Slatter writes a bewitchingly compelling addition to this series. Her greatest strengths are her witty and humorous
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Horrorology Interviews: Jo Fletcher

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Today’s final Horrorology post is from the lovely Jo Fletcher, our redoubtable publisher.

This is the third horror anthology you’ve published with Steve as editor – what was
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Horrorology (JFB, 2015)And here’s another secret I’ve been sitting on for ages, the new anthology from Stephen Jones and Jo Fletcher Books Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear, with cover art and internals by Mr Clive Barker.

And yes, I’ve
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Fearie Tales beginnings

First paragraphs of the Fearie Tales stories from Masters Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Robert Shearman, and Markus Heitz.

ramseycampbellRamsey Campbell: Find My Name

DOREEN WAS AWAKE at once and trying to hear why. A dog barked on the far side of
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Brian Lumley: The Changeling

lumleyderby1Brian Lumley talks Jack and the Beanstalk, the triumph of Good, and the sea.

THE SUN WAS beginning to set as I finned lazily into the shallows, thrust my speargun before me and laid it to rest in
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Christopher Fowler: The Ash-Boy

Photo snurched from The Guardian

Photo snurched from The Guardian

Please welcome Mr Christopher Fowler, he of (among MANY other things) the Bryant & May books, to chat about “The Tinder Box”, transgressions, Quasimodo, and the effect
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I’ve been meaning to …

CAM00204… post about this for a few weeks, but life has been interfering.

So, here it is, Sarah Pinborough’s most excellent novel Mayhem, which seamlessly blends Jack the Ripper with the Thames Torso Murders, not to mention elements of mythology
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Sarah Pinborough: Spreading the Mayhem

I recently discovered the work of multi-talented UK author Sarah Pinborough. I devoured the Dog-Faced Gods trilogy with delight, relish and a dash of mustard. Ms P doesn’t know me from a bar of soap but
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