Tag Archives: sister sister

The Sourdough Posts: Sister, Sister

sourdough-under-180x300“Sister, Sister” has its roots in my childhood: one of the books we had to read was an old collection of my mother’s, called Norwegian Folk Tales. I suspect it was an old book when Mum first got it as a kid,
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The Sourdough Posts: A Porcelain Soul


“Poupée c 1870” by Photo: Andreas Praefcke – Self-photographed. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Poup%C3%A9e_c_1870.jpg#/media/File:Poup%C3%A9e_c_1870.jpg

While reading for my MA I came across a piece by Rainer Maria Rilke called “Some Reflections on Dolls”, and it fascinated
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The Witch’s Scale – WiP

741176_461719090558318_206961913_oHard at work on my Spectral Press novella, The Witch’s Scale, purely because the idea sprang forth fully formed the other week. It details an episode in the history of Patience Sykes (one of my favourite characters) in
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Sometimes I forget I'm a writer

Life gets in the way, I forget that my prime directive is words on page.

Then something nice happens, like a good review. Ray from Tartarus Press pointed this one out to me, it’s in Supernatural Tales #17. A most kindly review of Sister, Sister:

I was also surprised to encounter `Sister, Sister’, Angela Slatter’s story of a rogue queen-prostitute in a
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Honorable Mentions

Huzzah! Queen of the Darkness, Ellen Datlow, has released her Best Horror of the Year, volume two, Honorable Mentions,

Sister, Sister got a mention (Strange Tales III from the glorious Tartarus Press). Peter M Ball’s Horn did too. And Jason Fischer got 3 – count ’em, three! Woooooot!

Other notables include Margo Lanagan, Tansy Rayner Roberts, RB Russell (co-ed of Tartarus Press),
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Let the Charm Offensive Begin

And anyone who knows me will tell you how offensive I can be … but also charming, when I put my mind to it. What is rare is wonderful …

However, it’s not really a charm offensive and it’s not really about me … I just really liked the title … of course, I have a headache so my taste could
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