Tag Archives: submission guidelines
Call-out for Subs
Realms of Fantasy (rumours of its demise were greatly exaggerated, apparently … unless it’s now a Zombie magazine … mmmm) is doing a Women in Fantasy issue – guidelines are here http://www.rofmag.com/2010/01/12/women-in-fantasy-take-two/
Follow the guidelines. You know it makes sense.
On the Fine Art of Submission
I’ve had quite a few people with queries about the how of submitting stories to magazines and journals in the last couple of weeks. So I thought I’d pull out the ole soapbox again and take up some real estate at Speaker’s Corner. I know I’ve banged on about submission guidelines before, so some of this will be well-trodden ground.
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A Note on Submission Guidelines
Two of my very dear friends run a small but respectable publishing company. We catch up for dinner and they regale me with tales of writers who, instead of writing a one page cover letter, will write a five page letter about why the submission guidelines don’t apply to her/him. I always think this is an interesting choice.
Perhaps people get confused by the
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