Tag Archives: synopsis

The Flensing Factory Re-opens

So, the Flensing Factory is open once more, with different offerings. 

Click for details.

The Grim Stick

One of the things I do with my day is look over synopses for other people. Spec-fic ones, crime ones, chick-lit ones, non-fic ones, literary ones – you name it, I can flense it.

Something I’ve become especially aware of in the past couple of months is that literary novels in particular tend to have synopses
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On writing a synopsis

Synopsis (noun) = a summary or outline; a brief general survey (Thank you, Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary).

And so the synopsis makes me cranky. What to leave in? What to leave out? What’s essential? What if you hand it over to the Important Readerish People and you realise you’ve forgotten to include that pivotal scene with the pink elephant?

So, as I try
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