Tag Archives: the australian writer’s marketplace
Today was the last day of the Brisbane Writers Festival and also the day when the newest edition of The Australian Writer’s Marketplace was launched.
I did the launching and it went well – by which I mean people laughed
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Hello, GenreCon!
And so there is this, GenreCon, which is an initiative of the Australian Writer’s Marketplace, and is being shaped and force into submission by Peter M. Ball’s organisational skills. It’s running from 2-4 November this year
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On the Fine Art of Submission
I’ve had quite a few people with queries about the how of submitting stories to magazines and journals in the last couple of weeks. So I thought I’d pull out the ole soapbox again and take up some real estate at Speaker’s Corner. I know I’ve banged on about submission guidelines before, so some of this will be well-trodden ground.
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