Tag Archives: the bitterwood bible

The Sourdough Universe Letters

Greetings, readers and friends of the Sourdough Universe!

I’m offering ten (10) of these “things”.

Each artefact has original art by Kathleen Jennings – marginalia, sort of – let’s call it “Jenningsalia”.

And there will be a
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Locus Interview Extract

There’s an extract of my interview with Locus Magazine over at Locus online.

“I worked with intent. My thought was, I’m 37, and I want to give this a real go to do it as a career. I
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The Night Stair – Part Two

… is now live at Gamut!

Hammers on Bone: Cassandra Khaw

cassCassandra Khaw is a London-based writer with roots buried deep in Southeast Asia where there are sometimes more ghosts than people. Her work tends to revolve around intersectional cultures, mythological mash-ups, and bizarre urban architecture.

When not embroiled in fiction, she
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The Bitterwood Posts: The Night Stair

bitterwood cover

Art by Kathleen Jennings

In 2012, my Significant Other and I were travelling around the UK and we visited Battle Abbey where the Battle of Hastings had taken place. We wandered through the ruins and one of the
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The Bitterwood Posts: The Burnt Moon

FoxIn “The Burnt Moon” I wanted show a bit of the history of the ex-Abbot Adelbert (when he was still Abbot of St-Simeon-in-the-Grove) and of Larcwide the Librarian. I wanted to give readers more information about Gytha and her mother
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Angela Slatter’s The October Widow


Yes, the tiara helps me write

In which I talk to myself, quite legitimately, so the Men in White Coats cannot take me away – although my Significant Other is giving me some strange sideways looks. My Spectral Book
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State of the Writer

BWA-ARC-coverI’m around, I’m breathing, I’m writing.

And I’m waiting.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Coz being a writer, if you’d not noticed, is largely a waiting game. Of course, it’s not ideal to be idle whilst doing said waiting. You need to keep writing coz
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Happiness in the mail

1012292_10151925992162304_632005757_nIt’s always a happy day when books arrive at The Bones Remember Everything. It’s an even happier day when the books are from Tartarus Press. But when it’s Tartarus Press books in which I have a story?

Ticker tape parade,
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The Bitterwood Bible

More art from Kathleen, this one is for the actual “Bitterwood Bible” story, with Mater Adela, Murciana and the Blessed Beatrice (she’s a brazen head). *squeals of delight*
