Tag Archives: The Orphan’s Tales

Exegesis, Part the Third: Mosaic

Kay Nielsen

Continuing the posts of the exegetical component of my PhD – no criticism intended, merely analysis. This section looks at mosaic novels and other forms of fragmented storytelling.
Part Three: Mosaic

‘My lies and the fragments
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Place as Person – my two cents

Over at Mary Victoria’s, I talk about Place as Person in the next installment of this great series; I also drink all the coffee and eat the last 2 chocolate biscuits.

You know me – just like the Dr, never
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The Drive-by Returns: Catherynne M Valente

What to say about Cat Valente that hasn’t been said already? She has a prodigious talent for awesome titles matched only by her skill in producing glorious prose? She produces poetry that reads like prose and prose that is positively poetic? She wore easily the most gorgeous dress
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