Tag Archives: the tallow-wife and other tales

Starred Review: All the Murmuring Bones

Over at Publishers Weekly, All the Murmuring Bones gets this gorgeous starred review!

All the Murmuring Bones
A.G. Slatter. Titan, $15.95 trade paper (368p) ISBN 978-1-78909-434-3

Set in a fantasy world
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2020 Roundup – or “What the Hell Happened??”

2020, hey?

What the hell was that? Well, it certainly put a crimp in things to say the least – no travel, no face-to-face teaching, projects delayed (including a super-exciting one that I still can’t announce), work
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The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales

In theory, if all goes according to plan, The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales will be published in February this year. I say “in theory” not because of a lack of faith, but because of the bruising
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The Bone Lantern

So a couple of years ago, artist Lorena Carrington and I met at the Bendigo Writers’ Festival. We got on well, I sent her some books and she sent me some glorious art. One of those pieces of art
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The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales

An extract from the Afterword:

This book has taken a long time to write.

I began it at the end of 2013, after The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings had been sent off to Tartarus Press. I was fortunate enough to be
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New Two-Book Deal!

Art by Kathleen Jennings

I’m absolutely delighted to say that, thanks to the excellent work of my beloved agent Meg Davis (Ki Agency), I’ve signed a two-book deal with Cath Trechman of Titan Books.

The novel currently known as Blackwater
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I’ve hit the halfway point on my new novel, Morwood, so I thought I’d share the first chapter and the piece of art that inspired the story. This painting is by Ruth Sanderson and I first saw it at WFC in
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Working on …

Hind-Girl… getting The Tallow-Wife and Other Tales finished by the end of January before I start on the third and final Verity Fassbinder book, Restoration.

Here’s a sample from one of the The Tallow-Wife tales, “Embers and Ash”. Keen-eyed readers will
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Patreon peeks

So, one of the things I’m working on (in between all the other end of the year deadlines) is a Patreon account.

One of the reward levels will get you a scroll once a month with some sort of story-related artefact on it. Kathleen Jennings is doing the art for me.

Exhibit A is A Brief History of the Hind-Girls:

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Review: Of Sorrow and Such

sorrowsandsuch-cover-200x300Well, a year since its release and my lovely Ditmar Award winning Tor.com novella, Of Sorrow and Such keeps getting nice reviews. Huzzah! Thanks, Alasdair Stuart.

Mistress Gideon is a witch. The people of Eddas Meadow, the village where she lives, either
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