Tag Archives: vandermeer

VanderMeer on Fetishes of the Writing Kind

Relinquish All Writing Fetishes: When Should You Hold Onto Them?

In Booklife I have a section on relinquishing all fetishes, which is another way of saying don’t let having to use a fancy pen or special desk get in the way of writing. As I mention in the book I’ve learned to write anywhere at any time, and to never stifle
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Networking 2.0

As y’all know, writerly networking is one of my (many) soapboxes … the VanderMeer takes it to Networking 2.0 over at Ecstatic Days:

As the year comes to an end, I’ve been thinking about leverage, which I talk about in Booklife. But in Booklife, while I have a separate section on paying it forward and contributing to community, I’m not sure
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For the Person Who Wants Everything

 How awesome would this be to add to the reading pile? 🙂


VanderWisdom: Choosing Your Platforms and Protecting Your Private Booklife

There’s smart stuff; there’s talky bits; there’s wisdom.


The Call of Nature

Those of you who know me at all well will recall that I have a nodding acquaintance with Nature. That basically means I nod to it as I stand on a verandah with a gin and tonic in my hand, waiting
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More VanderMeery Goodness – or Despair Never Leaves You

Words from the wise once again, Jeff VanderMeer on writerly despair:

Despair is a companion who keeps coming back to you no matter how far you’ve traveled along the path toward a sustainable Booklife. Things go wrong. What you have visualized does not come to pass. That opportunity you thought you had turns to dust. This is most difficult for beginning
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Insurgency Campaign

The new VanderMeer novel Finch is officially out tomorrow. Take part in the Insurgency Campaign at http://www.finchthenovel.com/readers/

Order the book onlines from the below or, indeed, go into a real bookstore, touch books, drink coffee, eat danishes, see humans, buy books.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/asin/0980226015/ref=nosim/httpwwwjeffva-20
Indiebound: http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780980226010
Powell’s: http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780980226010


More Reprobates


The Reveal

wantedposter3[1]smAmbergris Insurgency posters notwithstanding, I am not on any known Watchlists.

VanderMeer asked if I would mind providing a mugshot … I said “Yes, I would mind.” … He said “I know where the bodies of your Clarion South first drafts are.” …
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Huzzah for Finch

Great review of the Redoubtable VanderMeer’s latest, Finch, lives here http://www.bscreview.com/2009/11/finch-by-jeff-vandermeer-review/, and a sample cameos below:

So you don’t read fantasy. You heart mystery and crime fiction but haven’t touched a fantasy book since that one summer when you devoured Lord of the Rings. Well, let me tell you that things have changed since then. The SF/F genre has a long history
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