The Girl with No Hands …

… has been very nicely reviewed by Mario Guslandi over at the SF Site.

 I am quite sure that readers of this superior book will remain spellbound by the sheer beauty of the stories. I highly recommend it, as well as its companion volume, the other collection by Angela Slatter entitled Sourdough and Other Stories recently published by Tartarus Press.

The rest lives here.

And also in a very considered manner by Calico Reaction, here, and her rating is below.

Must Have: While it’s a rather expensive collection given its rather slim size, it’s a collection well worth having. The expense comes from the fact The Girl with No Hands is published by a small press, one in Australia, no less. Still, this is easy to find online: Amazon, the Book Depository, and Barnes & Noble (I didn’t look elsewhere). No electronic editions to date, but please, don’t let any of this scare you out of trying to get your hands on this book. It’s a beautiful short story collection that–once you start reading–you’ll find yourself inhaling. Like other readers, I felt like I should maybe take a break between tales to really absorb their impact, but I had no patience to do so. However, that’s fine since I plan to re-read each and every story in this collection at some point, and that’s because Slatter’s reworked fairy and folk tales linger with you long after you finish: they’re dark in some respects, but they also present women as the heroes of their own tales instead of the fairy tale standard of purely innocent or purely evil. Here, women are both the victors and victims of their stories, but all of them have a hand in their ultimate fate. It’s a wonderful collection, and I’m quite grateful I got my hands on it.

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