World Fantasy 2014!

WFC2014On Monday I head off to the US for WFC in Washington DC! My first time on the east coast.

I’ve not been to the US since 2006 when I did the Tin House Summer Workshop and spent a couple of weeks in LA. I’ve got one panel at WFC, about which I’m very excited. My plan this year is to Not Get Sick and enjoy myself! Catching up with friends will be wonderful and I’ll get to do some Smithsonian’ing!

How Graphic is Your Novel? 
Time:  11 p.m. – 12 a.m., Friday, Conference Theatre
Panelists:  Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell (M), James Chambers, Daryl Gregory, Jeff Mariotte, Angela Slatter
Description:  Popular literature tends to be much more graphic than it was a few decades ago, and yet many of the older books are still worth reading.  What does graphic sex or violence add to a story?  Would the George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones be the same without the blood wedding scene?  Is there a danger of the sensational value of the graphic events replacing good plotting and storytelling?  Are there matters so horrible they should not be written about, or are there no limits?  Which books handle their graphic scenes well, and which ones cross the line and fail to be entertaining will be the focus of the discussion.

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