Monthly Archives: August 2013

Terrible As An Army with Banners

A devastated Kathleen Jennings gets to “Terrible As An Army with Banners” in the collection and casts about for a fainting couch.



9780733630163-671x1024Last night my friend Robert Hoge launched his memoir, Ugly.

I read part of this book a few years back at a writers’ retreat and I was struck then – as I am again now – by how this book, which
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The Bitterwood Bible

More art from Kathleen, this one is for the actual “Bitterwood Bible” story, with Mater Adela, Murciana and the Blessed Beatrice (she’s a brazen head). *squeals of delight*



The collected works, to date


St Dymphna’s School for Poison Girls

bitterwoodmore2… and some pirates to the very left.

The Night Stair and Now, All Pirates Are Gone

More story-art from Kathleen Jennings!



Ex-rats and Bitterwood

bitterwoodmoreExtended art from Kathleen Jennings, the right-hand side is from “The Undone and the Divine” story in Bitterwood.

What will I do when she has finished beta reading Bitterwood and there are no more sketches emailed to me for breakfast
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Over at Lightspeed Magazine

… my story “Brisneyland by Night” is available to read for free, along with an interview. Go here.

Also: subscribe! You know you want to and it’s good for your karma.

Hit Me with Your Best Short: QWC Masterclass

So, I’ll be teaching this for QWC on Saturday 21 Sept, 2013.

As it’s a masterclass you need to submit your work ahead of time so I have time to read and critique it. This is a one day intensive, so itgrama‘s
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Foxes and Badgers and Hares, oh my!

WFA-nominee Kathleen Jennings has been at it again, more Bitterwood doodles arrived in the inbox this morning. It’s kind of like gifts of chocolate without the calories.
