Tag Archives: year of the novel

Year of the Novel – Trent Jamieson

El Trento aka The Nicest Man In Spec-FicĀ (he of Death Most Definite) is teaching a second YoN class at QWC. I’ve been one of his students in the first round and it’s been enormously helpful in getting my “stuff” together and structuring the novel and also for general learning of craft stuff. Highly recommended.

Go here to investigate further. It is
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Good Lord, Where Have I Been?

Struggling, I think.

The deadline to get Brain’s and my pieces in for Steampunk Reloaded was so tight … how tight? It was like trying to shoehorn an elephant into a narrow-fitting stiletto.

Sooo, when we finished and sent it off, the sense of enormous satisfaction lasted about a day … then the sense of “shouldn’t I be writing something really fast
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