Monthly Archives: January 2012

Sparks over at Kaaron Warren’s Place …

… with the awesome Dan Abnett – talking about trains and inspiration and stuff.

“My ideas come by train. And bus. Mostly train. Public mass transport, basically. I presume they buy their own tickets.”

The rest is here.

Postscript: the Magick 4 Terri auction

Terri Windling's Studio

This is just a lovely little thank you/summary of the Magick 4 Terri auction. This was an amazing effort by organisers Liz & Mia, and I’m very proud to have been able
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What I did on my holidays, Or ten things Skyrim has revealed about me

The background to this whole problem is as follows: I’m not a gamer. Have no interest in games. Have never played computer games. My Significant Other tried (unsuccessfully) to get me to play Morrowind. Not one to give
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Woot – first sale of 2012!

Very happy to announce that Lisa Hannett’s and my story “Prohibition Blues” has sold to Liz and Amanda at Ticonderoga Publications for the awesome and upcoming anthology Damnation and Dames.

There are shoes, werewolves, the Charleston, feathers, chases through swamps,
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Over at Lisa Hannett’s place, there are no less than THREE awesome reviews of Bluegrass Symphony! As it should be.

Ten stars from Scary Minds, no less!

A great Tuesday Therapy post

… from Alan Baxter

T’is here at the Hannettorium.

A milestone of sorts

Sourdough and Other Stories, my beautiful limited edition hard cover from Tartarus Press has sold out!

It’s a bit like your kid growing up and leaving home.

Watch this space …

On very rare occasions, my scheming is for Good

See here.

Tuesday Therapy with Drs Hannett and Goss

Over at Lisa’s place, Theodora Goss talks about stubborn stories and how to deal with them.

More excellent Tuesday Therapy.

Place as Person – my two cents

Over at Mary Victoria’s, I talk about Place as Person in the next installment of this great series; I also drink all the coffee and eat the last 2 chocolate biscuits.

You know me – just like the Dr,
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