Category Archives: fairy tales

The Crimson Road ARC

So very excited last week to receive an ARC of The Crimson Road! These babies should be making their appearance around the world soon!

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Cover reveal: The Crimson Road

Belatedly (because I am all over the place like a mad dog’s breakfast, or just everything everywhere all-at-onceing), here is the cover reveal for The Crimson Road and the opening chapter! Very kindly hosted by Reactor – thank you, Reactor! And thanks to Titan and my editor Cath Trechman for helping to craft another novel, and thanks
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Some love over at The Conversation

I’m both delighted and deeply grateful to see Sourdough and Other Stories on this list over at The Conversation – named as one of the best Australian books of the 21st century. Thank you, Dr Danielle Wood!


The original edition
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The Sourdough Universe Letters

Greetings, readers and friends of the Sourdough Universe!

I’m offering ten (10) of these “things”.

Each artefact has original art by Kathleen Jennings – marginalia, sort of – let’s call it “Jenningsalia”.

And there will be a
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All the pretty postcards

The wonderful Kathleen Jennings has been hard at work on some lovely postcards for the launch of The Briar Book of the Dead.

Miren from All the Murmuring Bones.

Asher from The Path of Thorns.

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Launching! The Briar Book of the Dead.

‘Tis I! The mysterious A.G. Slatter cosplaying as plain old Angela Slatter with an announcement.

The launch for The Briar Book of the Dead is happening on 13 Feb 2024 at Brisbane Square Library! Free but pls
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The Year in Review: 2023

Well, the apocalypses continued, varying only in size and impact, and with a certain regularly that was almost comforting – an “If this is Tuesday, that must be Godzilla on the horizon” sort of thing.

I had
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Briar Book – cover quotes

Oh, we’re starting to get some lovely cover quotes in for The Briar Book of the Dead! Huge thanks to Juliet Marillier, Alison Littlewood and Kathleen Jennings for their kind words, and to Titan’s marketing mavens for making these pretty little cards!Read more…

Cover Reveal: The Briar Book of the Dead

I’m so happy! You might be able to hear the delighted squeeeeeing. That’s me looking at the cover for The Briar Book of the Dead, which is coming out in Feb of 2024 from Titan Books. Did I mention it’s available for pre-order?

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The Book of Witches – pre-order

The Book of Witches, edited by the redoubtable Jonathan Strahan, is available for pre-order. The book is out on 1 August 2023 and contains many strange and wondrous stories, including one of mine,of which I’m particularly
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