Monthly Archives: February 2013
Paddle-Steamers! Fae! Docks!
Peter M. Ball’s new tale “On the Arrival of the Paddle-Steamer on the Docks of V–” is now up at Eclipse Online and it’s totally worth a read.
With bonus illustration by Kathleen Jennings.
Our tiny hotel room is boiling, even now, but heat doesn’t bother Patrick and he sleeps, shirtless, with the thin sheet coiled round him like a loving serpent.
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The Writing Life: A Really Big Echo Chamber
Here’s the thing about being a writer: we’re all terribly insecure to one degree or another. Although we’ve chosen a solitary profession, preferring largely to spend time with imaginary friends rather than flesh and blood ones, we still want
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Over at the home of Nyssa Harkness is a pretty comprehensive list of Australian Zombie Writers … or rather, Australians who happen to be writers of zombie fiction … yes, that’s better.
Go here
FYI, she’s also going
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Women in Horror Month 2013
The lovely Alison Littlewood (whose creepy A Cold Season had me hiding under the doona last year) has blogged over at Bad Reputation about five “Women in Horror”.
I happen to be one
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Short Story Clinic
Okay, QWC’s Short Story Clinic for developing writers will begin on 21 March.
The delightful and erudite Trent Jamieson is teaching this six session clinic.
Go here to book yourself in or, better yet, book in a friend or relative
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Forgotten Beasties
Not a dragon, but a zilant
Over at This is Horror, Lisa L. Hannett makes the case for Neglected Night Creatures.
Let the vampires and zombies have a bit of a rest.
Just found …
… this. For those who couldn’t attend the Adelaide launch, Sean the Blogonaut gives his take on the event.
And, yes, where are the Norse gods when you need them?