Monthly Archives: December 2014
I don’t like your chances!
And from the new project with Kathleen Jennings (we’re calling our collab stuff the Fracture Tales Workshop): Princess Genevieve confronts Sir Giles, who’s a bit of a cut-rate knight.
In the mail, oh! In the mail …
And the glorious Pretty Little Dead Girls by the equally glorious Mercedes Murdock Yardley arrived in yesterday’s mail. With cover art by the amazing Galen Dara and the loveliest postcard by the absolutely superb Orion ZRead more…
Project avec iguanas
So Kathleen Jennings and I spent all of yesterday at the State Library of Queensland, holed up and working on a new project. Here are some of the initial sketches.
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Err, Umm
There was an email from the website contact yesterday, headed “Home and Hearth”. Alas, it went into the spam folder and was deleted by my oh-too-quick fingers. So, if it was a pleasant email, perhaps it might be re-sent by
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Schlock Magazine and The Bitterwood Bible
Over at Schlock Magazine Teo Relijic stakes a claim on Marco Attard’s real estate and chats about The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings.
Slatter’s world can take in so many disparate elements because her prose is both rich and assured. There’s a
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The Female Factory – Goodreads Giveaway
Head on over here for a chance to win a copy of The Female Factory, by myself and Lisa L. Hannett.
These stories will hurt you. They will rattle your thoughts like
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Extract from The Bitterwood Bible at!
Because apparently I live there now! No, really, last one, I promise. 🙂
The extract is from “The Maiden in the Ice”, with art from Kathleen Jennings.
“The Maiden in the Ice”
Rikke does not like crossing the ice.
Even during the harshest of
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The Weekend Australian reviews The Bitterwood Bible
Much excitement here this morning to find that George Williams has reviewed The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings in The Weekend Australian‘s arts section. Much dancing and running in circles making loud noises. Or, you know, something more dignified.
FANS of fantasy
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Over at …
… I talk about one of my fave creations, Merricat, from Shirley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
I came to the Shirley Jackson party late. The first thing I read was The Haunting of Hill House, and that was just
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