Tag Archives: M.R. James

Horrorology Interviews: Ramsey Campbell

ramseycampbellWhat can one say about Master Ramsey Campbell that truly shows the extent of his influence in the genre, not to mention the breadth of his talent? A poor attempt might go thusly:

The Inhabitant of the Lake and
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The 2nd Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Sean Logan

LoganPhotoSean Logan’s stories have appeared in more than thirty publications, including Black Static, Supernatural Tales, The New Gothic, Eulogies II and Dark Visions. He lives in northern California, where he often spends his nights writing horror stories and his days at
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The 2nd Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Gary Fry

gary-fryGary Fry lives in Dracula’s Whitby, literally around the corner from where Bram Stoker was staying when he was thinking about that character. Gary has a PhD in psychology, but his first love is literature. He is the author of many short
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Simon Marshall-Jones

simon-marshall-jones1And now, a word from our publisher, the delightful Simon Marshal-Jones, on what inspired the genesis of Spectral Press, why and how the Spectral Book of Horror Stories came about, and the future of horror.

1. What inspired you to start
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Alison Moore’s Eastmouth

alisonmooreThe fact that Alison Moore’s The Lighthouse was shortlisted for the Man Booker should tell you all you need to know about the quality of her work – but I just can’t resist adding a quote from Black Static’s Peter
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Le Fanu at 200: Dreams of Shadow and Smoke

grande_shadowandsmoke1Swan River Press is publishing a tribute anthology this month, Dreams of Shadow and Smoke: Stories for J.S. Le Fanu, which is available for order here. The delightful Brian J. Showers and Jim Rockhill (editors both) answer a
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Spectral Book of Horror Stories: Stephen Volk’s Newspaper Heart

S_volk2MA9314721-0001Mr Stephen Volk is the mind behind such gems as Gothic, Ghostwatch, and Afterlife … please take a moment to indulge in the traditional Wayne’s World “We’re not worthy” obeisance. Done? Excellent. He’s been quite rightly
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The Peripatetic Life of the Freelance Editor: in the Lair with Mr Stephen Jones

Today we have kidnapped the much lauded, applauded and awarded Mr Stephen Jones, editor of such tomes as A Book of Horrors, Zombie Apocalypse!, Shadows Over Innsmouth, and the Mammoth Books of Best New Horror, Vampires,
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Weird Fiction Review Editorial

My first piece for the Weird Fiction Review has gone live and weird.

Editorial: As the Weird Turns by Angela Slatter

When I was a kid (yes,Virginia, dinosaurs walked the earth then), I read Saki’s “Sredni Vashtar” and have regarded garden sheds with
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What Scares the Scary People?

For me it’s Dracula – Bram Stoker’s original book, unabridged.

Some people far more talented and scary than I confess their fears here at The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/27/AR2009102703745.html

Anne Rice: I would say M.R. James’s story “Count Magnus.” That evil could be so easily roused and so relentless in its pursuit of the innocent who stumbled on to it, that
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