Monthly Archives: February 2016

Seriously: Contact2016

contactGo, buy your ticket now. Come to Brisneyland, where the heat probably won’t kill you (although it will try), but it’s okay because we’ll be in the airconditioned Hotel Jen!

Watching Ben Aaronovitch, Keri Arthur, Maria Lewis and other people of awesomeness talk about
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Women in Horror

wihmSimon Dewar has been running a great series of interviews with women in horror for Women in Horror Month (surprise, surprise!).

Today, Lisa and I get the treatment.

Check his site for interviews with luminaries such as Ellen Datlow, Kirstyn McDermott, Mercedes
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The Writer and the Critic goes Patreon …

dtct books Stack of books CREDIT: PHOTODISC

dtct booksStack of booksCREDIT: PHOTODISC

… which basically means you can pay Mondy to sing a song every podcast.

You know you want it.  Go here, give money.

My point?

One of my fave podcasts, run
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Aurealis Shortlists

AA-logoThe Aurealis Awards shortlists have been announced. Happy to note that “Ripper” and “Of Sorrow and Such” are both finalists (for Horror novella and Fantasy novella respectively). Sad to see the Horror Novel category apparently continues to be problematic. Not sure why.
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Kickstarter: The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror #6

ybkFor the last five years, Ticonderoga Publications has produced a most excellent tome, The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror, an annual compendium of some of the finest short stories in Oz.

For #6, they could use a little
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Horrorology: Robert Shearman

robRemember back last year when I ran a series of interviews with the contributors to the latest Stephen Jones-Jo Fletcher Books Item of Magnificence, Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear?

Of course you do. You pay attention and that’s one of the things I
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Working on Corpselight

vigilmapI’m working on Corpselight, the sequel to Vigil (out in July this year!), right now. All in the interests of making my hand-in deadline and not having to tell my beloved publisher than a dog ate my homework.

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Black-Winged Angels as an eBook

BWA-cover-ebookAnd my Aurealis Award shortlisted collection, Black-Winged Angels, is now an eBook and can be purchased here. It has a lovely Introduction by the lovely Juliet Marillier, and a gorgeous cover by the
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For the writers amongst you …

Artwork by Kathleen Jennings

Artwork by Kathleen Jennings

… here’s a really interesting and useful post on whether or not you do, or should, write every day. Thanks to A.M. Rycroft for this one.

Lady Helen and The Dark Days Club: Alison Goodman


Because no interview is complete without a Kathleen Jennings portrait.

The delightful and delovely Alison Goodman is not only one of my favourite writers, but also one of my favourite people – which is important because you
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