Tag Archives: robert shearman

New Reprint Collection: Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales

winterAnd so here is the cover for my newest collection – my first “proper” horror collection, Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales. Eleven reprints together for the first time AND a brand new story, “The Red Forest”.

The lovely PS
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Ellen Datlow’s Honourable Mentions

the-best-horror-of-the-year-volume-eight-ellen-datlowYes, it’s that time of year again when I struggle with whether I spell “honourable” in the fashion of my ancestors or like an American. Yet again, my ancestors have won.

But I’m delighted and honoured to have made Ellen Datlow’s
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Horrorology in my hot little hands!

It’s arrived! Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear, Stephen Jones’ new anthology, out via the delightful Jo Fletcher Books, with artwork (and a new story!) by Clive Barker. Look at that ToC!


H1Read more…

Horrorology Interviews: Jo Fletcher

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Jo and Steve, (c) Peter Colebron

Today’s final Horrorology post is from the lovely Jo Fletcher, our redoubtable publisher.

This is the third horror anthology you’ve published with Steve as editor –
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In which the Dance of Happiness is Done

Lisa's photo

Lisa’s photo

So I woke to a text from my dearest Brain, Lisa L. Hannett, sent while she was exploring far-flung Lindisfarne on her Great Viking Adventure Time, saying “WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP, MY BRAIN, YOU’RE
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Horrorology (JFB, 2015)And here’s another secret I’ve been sitting on for ages, the new anthology from Stephen Jones and Jo Fletcher Books Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear, with cover art and internals by Mr Clive Barker.

And yes, I’ve
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The Sourdough Posts: Lost Things

Rackham's Sweet Roland

Rackham’s Sweet Roland

“Lost Things” is one of my personal favourites in the Sourdough collection, I think possibly because there’s a genuine comedic turn to it. It’s black comedy, to be sure, but I love Jez and
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Year’s Best Horror Volume 7

Best-Horror-vol-7-final-cover1Full ToC reveal and final cover! Squeeeee!

“The Atlas of Hell” by Nathan Ballingrud (Fearful Symmetries, edited by Ellen Datlow, ChiZine Publications)
“Winter Children” by Angela Slatter (Postscripts #32/33 Far Voyager, edited by Nick Gevers, PS Publishing)
“A Dweller in Amenty”
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Fearie Tales

fearie1And the embarrassment of riches continues! The postie just dropped off this parcel, containing the limited edition of Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome, courtesy of PS Publishing. Yes, I am drooling over.

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Competition results

CAM01466My Significant Other, the Tech Badger, undertook barrel-person duties and drew names from the official competition hat.

Copies of Home and Hearth are going out to Stacey Larner and Steve Ormsby.

Thanks to all who entered!