Tag Archives: Verity Fassbinder series

The Vigil audiobook is out!

Happy happy joy joy!

Well, lookee here! Vigil is out in audiobook form!Thanks to @WFHowse and Taryn Ryan for bringing Verity to life!If you’re into supernatural crime/urban fantasy and sweary girl detectives, give Vigil a go.To be
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Sydney: Restoration Event

Hey, Sydney!

I’ll be at the wonderful Galaxy Books on 20 September at 6pm to do a Q&A about Restoration, Verity and the writing life, so come along and ask me stuff. I’ll sign books, too – mine,
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Happy birthday to me!

I’m a day late, sure, but the wonderful Jo Fletcher Books were not when these babies arrived on my doorstep yesterday – perfectly timed for my birthday.

Corpselight in paperback form with a brand new, never published anywhere before story, “Swan Girls” in the back …

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Locus Interview Extract

There’s an extract of my interview with Locus Magazine over at Locus online.

“I worked with intent. My thought was, I’m 37, and I want to give this a real go to do it as a career. I
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It Might Not Look Like It …

… but I am actually busy planning to launch Restoration in August this year.

Badges, candy, cupcakes, Dr Kim, the Brisbane City Square Library and its magnificent staff, my family heckling from the front row.

Oh, it’s all happening.

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How exciting!

The lovely Dr Anita Harris is presenting a paper next week, and Vigil is one of the subjects! Always thought I’d be dead and dusty before something like this happened – if at all!

The 17th Biennial Symposium on Literature and
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Over at Alan Baxter’s Place …

… I answer 5 Big Questions.

Angela Slatter has just had Book 2 of her fantastic Verity Fassbinder Series, Corpselight, published. It’s the sequel to the wildly successful Vigil. I asked Angela 5 big questions about her work.

1. Why did you choose to set your series in Brisbane?

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Corpselight: for real copies!

These just arrived! Happy dance.

Also important was the arrival of the coffee.

In which there is dancing and a book deal


I had no appropriate pic, so went for Kathleen’s suspicious-looking fox

A three book deal to be precise.

As I’m given to understand (by a very reliable source) that this info has been released at the London Book Fair this
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