Tag Archives: snoopy dancing

Rjurik Davidson + PS Publishing = Excitement and Snoopy Dancing

Good news should travel faster than it does: Rjurik Davidson has a short story collection coming out under the banner of those producers of beautiful books, PS Publishing (http://store.pspublishing.co.uk/). It will glory in the title of The Library of Forgotten Books *sits down to wait impatiently, steepling fingers*



In which a sale leads to Snoopy Dancing

Made a sale this very morning! Huzzah!

Cat Rambo over at the fabulous Fantasy Magazine (click here for fabulousness http://www.darkfantasy.org/fantasy/?page_id=2) has taken The Chrysanthemum Bride for their stable of stories.

And this news has led to Snoopy Dancing in the study – as seen here http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=hUQX2B67KL4